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A Comprehensive Guide to Effectively Hire Full Stack Developer

A Comprehensive Guide to Effectively Hire Full Stack Developer

In today’s digital landscape knowing how to hire full-stack developer is paramount. Irrespective of the business type, to know it is the means to remain competitive. The full-stack developers are coders. They are versatile professionals. They have the ability to handle web development and its every aspect. Be it database management or user interface, they know it all.

The blog will focus on understanding the importance of full-stack developers. It will talk about not only how to hire full stack developer but also the pros and cons of choosing them. It is a detailed guide that must get followed right as asked to hire the best.

Who is a Full-stack Developer?

The full-stack developers are the skilled tech experts. They can handle web development's front-end/client and back-end/service-side. As software engineers, they have an understanding of programming languages, design frameworks and more. It supports the development process, right from the initial idea to the final product.

Full-stack developers are quite proficient within front-end languages. Whether it's HTML, JavaScript or CSS, they have an understanding of it. They can even handle back-end languages like databases, frameworks and the server-side script.

The all-encompassing knowledge of these developers makes them invaluable. It's the case, especially in the Minimum Viable Product stage or MVP stage. Also, to hire full stack engineer also streamlines communication. It accelerates time for marketing new products, reduces cost and more.

As said in the US Bureau of Labour Statistics, web developers employment would grow by 16% from now to 2032. It indicates how quick the demand for the skillful developers is increasing. It also shows why today the programmers are choosing this career.

Full-Stack Developers- Types

There are different types of full-stack developers. They specialize in varied tech stacks. A discussion about it all has is below.

Type of DevelopersSpecializationExplanation
MEAN Stack DevelopersSpecializing in Express.js, Nose.js, AngularJS, etc. It's ideal for building dynamic apps and websites.
MERN Stack DevelopersSpecializing in MonoDB, React.js, Node.js, etc. It's excellent to create better & scalable apps.
LAMP Stack DevelopersSpecializing in PHP, MySQL, Apache, etc. These offer robustness and stability. It's applicable for both the app and web development.
Python Full-Stack DevelopersThey use Python together with the frameworks like Flask, Django, etc. They ensure efficient & simple scalable web apps.
LEMP Stack DevelopersSpecializing in MySQL, Nginx, Linux, etc. These are alternatives, allowing developers to focus upon the high performance.
Full-Stack JavaScript DevelopersThe developers use JavaScript tech.  It helps all throughout the development process of seamless applications. 

Benefits to Hire Full-stack Developers

There are many benefits to hire mobile app developers. Some of them are,

Scalability & Flexibility

To hire full stack web developer or app developer ensures quite an adaptability to new tech. This makes the developers perfect for the businesses anticipating tech shifts & future growth.

Enhanced Communication

The full-stack developers have comprehensive project oversight. With it, they ensure few details getting lost when translated to varied team members.


To hire dedicated full stack developers ensures to avoid any unnecessary expense. In specific, the expense related to assembling large specialists team gets avoided.

Looking to Hire Full Stack Developers for Your Project

Challenges of Hiring Full-stack Developers

Even though the benefits are pretty significant, there are some challenges, too. A discussion about it is below.

  • Evaluating Full-stack Developers

The entire system gets viewed in a narrow way by the recruiters. These recruiters only look for back-end and front-end developers. What they do not focus on is that there are developers who have knowledge about other components too. So, there is a need of individual assessments for the role-based on skills and needs. It can be time-taking and difficult.

  • Unrealistic Expectations

Sometimes, the developers hire the developers with the wrong skills for tasks. They, at times, even overestimate the specific tech importance. So, there gets screened out only qualified full stack engineers. These engineers, at times, are not as strong within non-primary tech.

If promoting free tool alongside blog, there's needed, a full-stack developer. These developers must know the tech aspects required for both the features. They must be capable with all or it will cause extra to hire UI/UX designers too.

  • Slowed Up Process

Some full-stack developers are not competent to work fast like specialized full-time developers. So, full stack developers for hire many times affect the speed of development. It causes unnecessary delays.

A Guide to Hire Full-stack Developer

To hire full-stack developer through a custom mobile app development company, is easy. All that's needed is to follow the steps that's mentioned below.

Identify Your Needs

Before you hire, find out the need of the project. Make thorough research. Understand the scope, budget, duration and the long-term objectives. 

Remember, sometimes freelance developers prove to be cost-effective. Especially if it is short-term project, choose freelancers. They will offer flexible rates ($50-$75 per hour). They are also adaptable. This makes them suited to the project that has tight deadlines or limited time.

If you want to hire mobile app developers full-time, the average salary will be high. It would cost on an average around $124,399 as per Indeed. There will be a high initial cost. But there are benefits to it like consistent availability, stability and more. So, this option is best for long-term projects that need support and maintenance.

Either way, choice is yours but make sure to take it with careful consideration. It will help get better results.

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Lookout for a Strong Portfolio

The presence of a robust portfolio will show the breadth of the experience. It will also show the developers knowledge about handling different projects.

Ensure Tech Proficiency & Essential Skills

Essential Skills like an eye for back-end and front-end is essential. The candidate must be proficient within HTML, JavaScript and CSS. It will ensure effective management of structure and web page designs. As for back-end capabilities, they must have capabilities in Python, Java, Ruby, etc.

An understanding of web architecture, creation & modification of database queries will be a plus.

Assess the Soft Skills and Hard Skills

Some essential soft skills are problem-solving, communication, time management, etc. While database management, API integration, back-end development, etc., are hard skills. So, before you make full-stack developer hires, ensure they have it all. If not, they will not be able to handle the concepts or collaborate with team members.

Evaluating Profiles

Yes, to check GitHub profile of the developer will be great. It will help them gain insights into their project involvement and coding ability. Also, when evaluating, check their familiarity with Git. It will also be great to look at their contribution to public repositories. It will help reveal how proficient they are with tech and engagement. 

Today, this is the popular trend to check the GitHub profile. So, do not miss it.

Consider Cost-effectiveness

Full-stack developers can handle varied roles, even more than programmers. It can help to save costs in the development. So, if you can blend the front-end and back-end skills of developers, it will help. It will do so because there will get eliminated the need for different specialists. It will then reduce the overhead costs.

Versatility & Flexibility

Yes, do not miss it. The developers must be capable of adapting with varied programming environment. They be capable of handling different aspects of the development projects too. To manage both is the aesthetic element and application's structural logic. As for versatility, it will help to deliver comprehensive solutions. It will also ensure them stepping in the role of development cycle critical phases. This will then ensure efficiency and continuity.

Foster Competent Partnerships

The full-stack developers, they are quite well-versed within project management. They are also versed in market trends. This makes them valuable partners in development and refinement of business concepts. 

The comprehensive skills the developers have will allow to cover phases of project. It will also ensure strategic insights that would align with the business goals.

By focusing upon all the above areas, you will be able to streamline the hiring process. It will ensure that the developers hired tech skilled and good fit. Remember, find someone who fits the budget, project and company culture at the same time.


To hire full-stack developer, it is to invest within tech projects cornerstone. The role demands diverse tech skills & ability to oversee projects with broad perspective. So, any business which need to remain agile and innovative must hire an app developer. Remember, these professionals are the invaluable asset in the digital age. So, do better while hiring.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Will It Take to Complete a Full Stack Project?

The full-stack project duration varies. It is based on the complexity and scope of the project. It can either be a few weeks or at times, a few months. It depends on the requirement.

Are There Advantages to Hire a Full Stack Developer?

To hire the full-stack developer will bring in cost-efficiency, and versatility. It will ensure faster turnaround of the projects. This is why to hire a professional is the ideal choice specifically in resource-sensitive and dynamic projects.

What Will Be the Cost of Hiring Full Stack Developer to My Business?

It will cost between $40-$160 (per hour). However if you hire a full-time developer it can cost up to $103,000 annually.

Why Do We Hire You for Our Full Stack Developer Role?

There are many reasons to choose a full stack developer. It is versatility, efficiency, expertise, better communication and resourcefulness. So, any full-stack developer having these skills is the right choice for you and your project.

Written by Atman Rathod

Atman Rathod is the Founding Director at HireMobileDevelopers (HMD), a leading mobile app development company with 17+ years of experience. Having travelled to 38+ countries globally and provided more than $40m USD of software services, he is actively working with Startups, SMEs and Corporations utilizing technology to provide business transformation.

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